Ethics Responsibility

Ethics Responsibility

Ethics Responsibility

Pursuant the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law, N.J.S.A. 52:13D-12, et seq. (NJCOIL), each RowanSOM employee is required to avoid conflicts of interest in the performance of their official duties. The New Jersey Legislature, by passage of NJCOIL, has provided standards for employee conduct as well as the means for regulatory oversight and enforcement of these standards for all State employees, including employees of Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM). Specifically the State Ethics Commission (SEC) is charged with the promulgation and enforcement of rules and regulations, and a Uniform Ethics Code, which is applicable to all State employees. NJCOIL also provides that each State agency, including the state's public universities and colleges, shall adopt a code of ethics, which shall be a supplement to the Uniform Ethics Code.

Each year, the State of New Jersey publishes their Ethics Newsletter, which provides State of New Jersey employees updated Ethics standards and cases.

The Scholarly Capacity Rule became in effect on November 19, 2007, in recognition of the unique nature of the academic setting and the difficulty inherent in defining official duties for faculty and researchers at NJ State Colleges and Universities. The SEC issued a mandate that each University employee review the Scholarly Capacity Impact Statement and Scholarly Capacity Disclosure Form which should be read in conjunction with the Uniform Ethics Code and the Plain Language Guide. Additionally, each University employee is required by the Commission to complete and file an acknowledgement of receipt and certification for these documents.

Each RowanSOM chair and department head is responsible for collecting the signed acknowledgments and forwarding them to: Ray Braeunig, Chief Audit, Compliance and Privacy Officer, 40 East Laurel Road, University Educational Center, Suite 1114, Stratford, NJ 08084 or (856) 566-6136 or

If you have any questions related to conflicts of interest or employee obligations under the Code, and Guide, allegations or concerns about ethical conduct addressed above, please contact: Ray Braeunig, Chief Audit, Compliance and Privacy Officer, 40 East Laurel Road, University Educational Center, Suite 1114, Stratford, NJ 08084 or (856) 566-6136 or

Quick links to documents mentioned here: