Grading for this project will take into account the performance of the actuation mechanism and the final report. A 50%-50% split is suggested for each to make up the final grade.
Grading Rubric for the Mechanism
Grade |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Phase 0 |
The initial design is very well detailed and accounts for many differing design factors. The final product is clearly feasible to accomplish. |
The initial design is moderately detailed and accounts for design factors. The final product is probably feasible to accomplish. |
The initial design is detailed and accounts for some design factors, however more is needed to ensure the final product is likely to succeed. |
The initial design lacks some key details and design considerations. The final product is unlikely to be feasible. |
The initial design needs substantial details and design considerations accounted for. The final product is very unlikely to be feasible. |
Phase 1 |
All parts in the assembly are very well designed. Models are efficient to 3D print and can easily be assembled. Tolerances are accounted for. |
All parts in the assembly are designed properly and can be appropriately assembled. Tolerances are accounted for. |
A few minor design flaws are present in the assembly. The mechanism is capable of being assembled, though not easily. Some tolerances are not accounted for. |
Minor design flaws as well as some major ones are present in the assembly. Minor edits must be made so assembly is possible. Most tolerances are not accounted for. |
Minor and major design flaws are clearly present in the assembly. Substantial edits must be made so assembly is possible. Tolerances are not accounted for. |
Phase 2 |
All parts in the assembly are very well designed. Models are efficient to 3D print and can easily be assembled. Tolerances are accounted for. |
All parts in the assembly are designed properly and can be appropriately assembled. Tolerances are accounted for. |
A few minor design flaws are present in the assembly. The mechanism is capable of being assembled, though not easily. Some tolerances are not accounted for. |
Minor design flaws as well as some major ones are present in the assembly. Minor edits must be made so assembly is possible. Most tolerances are not accounted for. |
Minor and major design flaws are clearly present in the assembly. Substantial edits must be made so assembly is possible. Tolerances are not accounted for. |
Phase 3 (Final Product) |
Mechanism is capable of sustained, reliable, and substantial actuation. |
Mechanism is capable of actuation for a short period of time. Some minor reliability issues may arise but they are quickly fixed. Movement in the tail is present. |
Mechanism is capable of actuation, although reliability issues have a chance of stopping it. Movement in the tail is present, although limited. |
Mechanism is somewhat capable of actuation. Reliability is poor and needs substantial time to fix. Movement in the tail is somewhat present. |
Mechanism is rarely capable of actuation. Reliability is very poor and requires a great amount of effort to repair. Movement in the tail is barely present. |