Office of Social Justice & Belonging

Office of Social Justice & Belonging

Office of Social Justice & Belonging


All lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual students should know that they are protected by Rowan University's Title IX policies.  In addition, New Jersey's Law Against Discrimination makes it unlawful to subject people to differential treatment based upon their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.  If you are a transgender student, regardless of the federal government's current position on transgender individuals, Rowan University policies and the laws of the state of New Jersey protect you.  

Reporting Sexual Misconduct: If you are an LBGTQ student and you experience sexual assault, sexual violence, intimate partner violence or harassment, please report it to the Title IX Coordinator, Brandy Bennett at 856-256-5440 or via email at

Likewise, if you report a crime to Rowan University Police Department, a public safety officer will respectfully assist you.  If you would like to speak directly with the LGBTQIA police liaison, Sgt. Rachel Baum, they should either call 856-256-4911 and ask to speak with Sgt. Baum or email her.  

LGBTQ students who would like to speak with a confidential resource should know that every counselor at the Wellness Center is committed to supporting students of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientation.

Additional Resources:

The LGBTQIA Resource Center housed in the Office of Social Justice & Belonging. 

Trans at Rowan: A resource page for transgender and non-binary students at Rowan University. 

For more resources, on and off campus, please click here.


Banner image Flag Bearer by Geoff Livingston; button image Rainbow by mcdlttx.