Program Guidelines
Program Guidelines
Honors Guidelines
Our Honors College Guidelines for the 2024-25 academic year are available below.
Community (Share)
1.1: Students will be contributing members and leaders who promote collaboration both inside and outside of the classroom.
1.2: Students will appreciate and engage in different perspectives both inside and outside of the classroom.
Academics (Think)
2.1: Students will be effective communicators who can write and speak for varied purposes and audiences.
3.1: Students will be able to clearly define problems and recognize the complexity of issues and contexts.
3.2: Students will be able to marshal appropriate evidence to advance an argument.
3.3: Students will be able to extend ideas through the application of interdisciplinary perspectives in order to produce knowledge.
Life-long Learning (Thrive)
4.1: Students will be curious, engaged, learners who seek experiences beyond the classroom and who make connections between these experiences and their intellectual work.
4.2: Students will be able to independently transfer knowledge from one context to another.
Honors Concentration
- Students must maintain full-time student status for the duration of their time in Honors.
- Students must pass a minimum of eight (8) Honors courses with a grade of C or higher.
- Honors classes are pro-rated so transfer students (internal & external) and those graduating early are not penalized; the total is calculated at a rate of one Honors class per semester with a minimum requirement of four (4).
- Students must take at least one (1) Honors course the first semester they enter the Honors College.
- Students are required to enroll in Honors sections of Comp I, Comp II, & Public Speaking (Honors FEC I & II as well as SEC I & II [for Engineers]) unless they have placed out of the course or have transferred the credit prior to matriculation. Students who transfer in credit for the required courses will take additional Honors courses in their place. Please consult Honors Advisor for specific requirement.
- Alternative Course Experiences (ACE) such as Internships, Study Abroad, Research/Creative Experience, etc., may be counted toward Honors course requirements with prior approval through an application process. A reflection paper is required at the conclusion of the experience. Non-Engineering majors may earn up to three (3) ACEs, while Engineering majors may earn a total of two (2).
- Students who do not continue to progress toward meeting course requirements will be contacted by the Assistant Dean, who will request a plan for course completion. If the plan is either not feasible or no plan is submitted, the student will be removed from the Honors College.
- Students may defer admission for one semester. If a student wishes to defer for additional terms, they must reapply to Honors and be readmitted after application review. Students on deferral status must meet appropriate Honors GPA standards in order to join the Honors College.
Honors Concentration with Distinction
- This experience provides students with the opportunity for more breadth across disciplines and depth in their chosen area of study. It culminates in a capstone project to enrich their overall experience.
- Students need to declare their intention via the Honors with Distinction application to complete this Concentration before the spring semester of their junior year in order to take the required, 0-credit Capstone Proposal Course.
- Students must complete a total of twelve (12) Honors-designated courses including the Capstone Proposal Course, a year-long Honors Capstone Project with a faculty mentor, and Final Portfolio reflecting on their Honors experience.
- Honors classes are pro-rated so transfer students (internal & external) and those graduating early are not penalized; the total is calculated at a rate of three Honors classes per academic year with a minimum requirement of six (6).
- Students must have earned and continue to maintain a 3.5 GPA to be eligible for, remain in, and graduate with Honors with Distinction.
- Students must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 to graduate from the Honors College.
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 to remain in Honors, keeping in mind the graduation requirement.
- Students who earn below a 3.3 cumulative GPA must submit an Honors Recommitment Agreement. Students will be required to submit an academic success plan and may be required to meet with a member of the Honors team.
- Students who earn a semester GPA below 3.0, may also be asked to complete this process even if their cumulative GPA remains above a 3.3.
- Students who earn below a 3.3 cumulative GPA a second semester are required to submit an updated Honors Recommitment Agreement. Students are required to meet with their Honors advisor to review their academic success plan. If it is not possible for a student to earn a 3.5 cumulative GPA by graduation, the student must part ways with Honors in order to focus on their major courses and the Honors Concentration will be removed.
- Students who earn below a 3.3 cumulative GPA a third semester must part ways with Honors.
- Students who earn a cumulative GPA above a 3.3 but below a 3.5 will receive reminders of the graduation standards.
- If a student cannot achieve the GPA requirement by graduation, the student will be removed from the concentration.
- Students who earn below a 3.3 cumulative GPA must submit an Honors Recommitment Agreement. Students will be required to submit an academic success plan and may be required to meet with a member of the Honors team.
- Honors students must participate in three (3) types of events/activities from a pre-approved list of offerings each fall and spring semester:
- Think: Two (2) academic events/activities;
- Thrive: Two (2) social, wellness, and leadership events/activities; and
- Share: Two (2) service events/activities
- Among Think, Thrive, and Share selections for the semester, students must incorporate one (1) arts and culture event/activity that contributes to their comprehension and appreciation of creative and artistic expression.
- Students must provide an account of participating in these activities at the end of each semester.
- Students in their first semester in the Honors College will fulfill all Honors participation requirements for that semester through active participation in the BLAST mentoring program.
- For each semester in which they serve on the HSO or BLAST, officers/mentors fulfill all Honors participation requirements.
- The following students are not required to complete Honors Participation in that given semester: Education majors in their final, full-time clinical practice semester; students who are studying abroad for a full semester, and students in a full-time cooperative education (co-op) experience.
- Students who do not fulfill Honors Participation requirements are considered not in good standing with the Honors College and must complete the Honors Recommitment Agreement process and may be required to meet with a member of the Honors team to review their plan for success. Honors privileges will also be revoked including but not limited to, priority registration, certain activities, and consideration for Honors leadership positions. The student will also not be eligible for funding for research assistantships, semesters abroad, conferences, or scholarships.
- One (1) semester of an incomplete, loss of, or late Honors Participation submission will result in forfeiture of priority registration for classes.
- Two (2) semesters without meeting Honors Participation requirements will result in removal from the Honors College.
- Students who wish to withdraw from Honors during the semester may do so by emailing to declare their intention to withdraw from the program.
- Honors will remove the student from the concentration during the drop/add period. It is the student's responsibility to drop the Honors participation course.
- After the drop add period, but before the University withdrawal deadline, Honors will remove the student from the concentration. The student must withdraw from the participation course and receive a grade of W.
- If a student wishes to withdraw from Honors after the University’s withdrawal deadline, Honors will remove them from the concentration, but the student will earn an Unsatisfactory in the Honors Participation course.
- The student has the option to remain in Honors until the end of the term and submit their Honors Participation reflection for a grade (U or S) and be removed from the concentration after the end of the term. The student is responsible for removing Honors Participation from their schedule for the following term.
* If a student has extenuating circumstances that impacts their ability to complete the requirements, they can appeal to the Student Engagement Coordinator, who may bring the matter before the Assistant Dean.
As citizen scholars, Honors students are expected to uphold ethical standards of behavior upon which social and academic communities rely. As such, Academic Integrity and Student Code of Conduct violations, and/or misuse of Honors benefits, may result in a loss of privileges within Honors or dismissal from the College.
- Academic Integrity
- At violations of any level, students are subject to the University’s AIV policy, procedure, and sanctions and will require an educational conversation with the Honors Dean or designee.
- When violations are Level III or IV, the student will not be in “good standing” with the Honors College for one calendar year. Good standing is needed for opportunities such as, but not limited to, funded experiences, scholarships, priority registration, and leadership roles.
- If the University sanction results in suspension or expulsion, the student will be dismissed from the Honors College.
- A second violation of any level may also result in loss of standing or dismissal from the Honors College.
- Student Code of Conduct
- Students found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct are subject to the University’s policies, procedures,, and sanctions. Depending on the nature of the violation and the severity of the harm or threat caused to the community, students may also be subject to loss of Honors benefits, loss of “good standing” in honors, or dismissal from the honors college.
- Honors Benefits Misuse
- Resources including but not limited to the lounge, computer lab, trips, events, etc. are for Honors students only, unless otherwise specified (e.g., the Honors Student Formal). Misuse of these resources such as excessive printing, printing of non-Honors or coursework-related materials, damaging Honors materials or spaces, or facilitating the use of Honors resources by non-Honors students is prohibited. Students found in violation may lose Honors privileges. Repeated misuse may result in dismissal from the Honors College.
- Appeal
- A student may submit a written appeal to to appeal a decision. Appeals will be reviewed by the Honors Dean, designee, or Faculty Advisory Board as appropriate. Appeals can only be made for Honors decisions and/or sanctions, not for any university-level decisions or sanctions made by other departments.