Financial Well-Being
To be sure, having financial well-being impacts many other areas of your personal well-being. When you’re able to balance managing your money, spending responsibly and saving for the future, you can achieve financial well-being. Those skills last a lifetime.
Upcoming Financial Well-Being Events
Rowan Resources
Rowan’s Financial Aid Office has financial literacy resources to help students navigate paying for college, as does Campbell Library.
The Affordability Task Force, comprised of students, faculty and staff works to better understand and identify the financial challenges students face through its ProfCents program.
Special Rowan Programs, such as 3+1, Rowan Choice and Degree in 3 help students keep costs low as they complete their degrees.
Local Resources
Gloucester County Services provides a comprehensive list of available resources for adults.
Additional Resources
From housing to home energy to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the State of New Jersey offers hundreds of resources that can help you manage your financial well-being. For adults facing food insecurity, End Hunger NJ maintains a searchable database of food pantries throughout the state.

Rowan Resources
Financial well-being is just as important as any other area of Rowan Thrive. Check out Rowan resources that support you here.

Local Resources
Local financial resources that can improve your well-being are also available.

Additional Resources
Want to continue improving your financial well-being? Check out some helpful tips here.