Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity At Rowan: Your Education, Your Future

 Hear the Rowan community talk about the importance of academic integrity.
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What is Academic Integrity?

Academic Integrity starts with each student on Rowan’s campus.  We know that each of you have worked hard to get to where you are today and take pride in the time and effort you put into your studies.  As such, demonstrating Academic Integrity means that you embody values such as “honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage” (International Center for Academic Integrity, 2021).  This website is designed to provide you with resources and answers to frequently asked questions to help address situations you may encounter related to academic integrity with your studies.

Academic integrity is presenting your coursework in an honest and responsible manner. For example, in writing assignments, it means being clear regarding which ideas and words are your own versus those of others, such as from websites or scholarly articles. For research-based assignments, academic integrity also means being honest regarding your research methods and results. For course projects, quizzes, and exams, etc., academic integrity means that the work and answers are based solely on your own knowledge and work.  While collaboration with other students while studying can be very helpful for your learning, it is important that you understand when such collaboration is permitted or when your work must be yours alone. Talk with your instructor about when collaborating with others or using outside resources is permitted. 

We recognize that students may be faced with higher levels of stress and difficulties that can make it tempting to take actions that could lead to academic integrity violations.  These actions can include: working with other students on assignments that are supposed to be completed individually, copying and pasting material from the internet, borrowing a friend’s assignment with the intent to use it as a guide but copying it due to time constraints. You are probably aware that working on an exam with a classmate without permission is a violation, but did you know that posting course materials to websites (Chegg, Course Hero, StuDocu, etc.) can also be a violation (and can even be copyright infringement)?

Academic Integrity Tips and Tricks

Hear some great ways to avoid committing academic integrity violations.

Avoiding Cheating

Present work and provide answers that are your own, working independently. Using others’ work or answers is dishonest. For example, asking classmates for their work or answers is inappropriate, as is seeking work or answers from online resources such as Chegg or Course Hero. While such websites can provide useful help to students in the form of proofreading services or tutoring, seeking work or answers for projects, quizzes, and exams is improper. Posting your coursework, quizzes, and exams on such websites also is a violation of academic integrity. If you are not sure whether you can collaborate with others or use external sources for an assignment, discuss it with your professor. 

Best practices to keep in mind:

  • Do not share your work with others, even if they promise not to copy it. Numerous violations occur when others copy the work, even when the student who completed it did not intend that.
  • If you use Chegg or other sites for buying books or assistance with studying, ensure that you do not share your account with others, who may use it without your knowledge to cheat. Also, make sure you never click on these sites during exams or use them inappropriately.
  • When in doubt as to whether you can use external resources or collaborate with others, ask your professor up front. They will be glad to help you.
Hear about how plagiarism and fabrication are trickier than you might think. 

Avoiding Plagiarism

In courses in which you gain writing skills, your professors want to ensure you understand how to best present your ideas, as well as those of others, appropriately and professionally. To present the ideas of others properly, it is important to ensure you are citing and referencing the work of others according to the style appropriate for the various academic disciplines. Common style manuals include the APA Style Manual and the MLA Style Manual. It might be the case that some of your courses will require such a manual as one of your textbooks. Understanding such professional styles will be useful to you over the course of your college career, as well as your professional career. 

Failure to present your written work appropriately results in plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs when individuals misrepresent the ideas of others as their own, as well as when the ideas, concepts, or results of others are not cited or referenced appropriately. Sometimes students plagiarize without realizing they have done so due to inexperience with proper citations or references included in their written products. In addition, sometimes negligence results in plagiarism as well. For example, students might understand how to properly cite and reference the ideas and results of others but fail to do so due to carelessness. Finally, sometimes plagiarism occurs intentionally such as when students copy verbatim the ideas or results of others intentionally.

Become familiar with the appropriate writing style expected within your courses. In addition to the manuals, many online resources are available that include such information. For example, Googling “how to properly cite a research article” will result in many websites to assist you. Your course instructor also can assist you when writing drafts of your paper. You can ask your instructor to provide feedback as to whether or not you are properly citing and referencing the material you are presenting. In addition, the Writing Center is an excellent resource for students. The Writing Center provides support for students in all levels of coursework, ranging from College Composition I courses to doctoral dissertations.

Hear from alumni about how academic integrity is important beyond the classroom.

Student Resources

If you find yourself struggling with coursework or running out of time to study and prepare for an upcoming exam, we encourage you to seek help from your instructors first.  They are there to help assist you and provide you with the best learning experience possible.  They will also be able to point you to resources that can help specifically with the course content. Often, students who commit academic integrity violations report that feeling overwhelmed or stressed in their lives led them to make a poor choice regarding their coursework. If you feel this way, please use these University resources for assistance:

Academic Support

Physical and Mental Health and Wellness Support

Financial Support