The Shop

The Shop

The Shop Pantry & Resource Center



The Shop - Hours of Operation

Mondays from 9am–11am

Tuesdays from 9am–11am

Wednesdays from 9am-11am


The Shop is located at 124 State Street in Glassboro.

Click here for a map to help you in finding our location: Click for Map


For questions related to access, expanded services/resources, location, or operations, please contact


*If you are unable to visit The Shop during our scheduled hours of operation, please send us an email @ to set up an alternative time.


Horas de Operacion

Lunes de 9AM–11AM

Martes de 9AM–11AM

Miercoles de 9AM-11AM

The Shop está ubicado en 124 de la calle State. Haz clic por el mapa.

*Si no puede visitar The Shop durante nuestras horas de operación programadas, por favor envíenos un correo electrónico @ para programar una hora alternativa.

UPDATE as of 3/27/23: The Shop Pantry & Resource Center will now require either a physical Rowan ID card or an Event Pass QR Code for check-in.
Please also remember the additional existing policies within The Shop that limit Shop access to Rowan students only while also asking students to limit themselves to one visit per week, one shopping basket per visit, and 5-minutes within The Shop upon each visit. Adherance to these policies will allow us to serve all students in line and also make the best effort to ensure that all students have the opportunity to access the wide variety of food and items available through The Shop. 

While The Shop is an available resource for all Rowan students, we ask that students consider the distinction between need and convenience. The mission of The Shop is to support need. If after reflection and review of your personal circumstances, you determine that it is genuinely a matter of need, we look forward to supporting your success at Rowan.

Please reach out to us at with any questions or concerns related to these updates as well as any individual circumstances that may be impacted.


What is The Shop?  The Shop is Rowan University's first ever on-campus food pantry and resource center available to students in need. With a particular focus on addressing issues of food insecurity, The Shop offers a range of free and confidential support services that can connect students with appropriate campus and community resources.

Who can visit The Shop?  The Shop is open to all students with a valid Rowan ID card. The Shop does not adhere to specific financial restrictions, however items available at the food pantry are intended for students without the financial means or resources necessary to purchase adequate food and/or personal care supplies.  While The Shop is an available resource for all Rowan students, we ask that students consider the distinction between need and convenience. The mission of The Shop is to support need. If after reflection and review of your personal circumstances, you determine that it is genuinely a matter of need, we look forward to supporting your success at Rowan.

Do I need a mask? Masks are optional in The Shop. If you wish to wear one but do not have one, Shop staff may provide one to you.

What kind of things are you giving away?  The Shop is set up like a small grocery store. Pantry items available to students in need include nonperishable food, school supplies, toiletries, hygiene products, bakery items, fresh produce, other frozen and perishable foods, and some coats/gloves/hats in winter.

How much can I take?  For the most part there are no limits on the items available for students to take while shopping.  But we do see about 100 students each day we are open, so we ask that you be considerate in only taking what you need and leaving enough for others who might need it. The Shop is not intended to meet all the nutritional needs of students.

Should I bring a bag?  Yes! We ask that you bring your own reusable bag each time you visit. Each student is limited to one shopping basket per visit and one visit per week. Shoppers will be expected to transfer their items from the provided shopping basket to their personal bag at the conclusion of their shopping visit. Students who fail to respect this restriction after repeated requests from staff will be asked to leave The Shop.

Do I need my Rowan ID?  Yes. We ask that you present your physical Rowan ID card or an Event Pass QR Code for a speedier/expedited check-in process. Students sharing ID cards or other Rowan identification with friends, roommates, or non-Rowan students will have Shop privileges revoked and may be referred to Rowan’s Office of Community Standards for Code of Conduct follow-up.

Do I have to wait in line?  It is possible.  Due to health/safety and staffing restrictions, only a certain number of students will be allowed admission to the pantry at any one time, and students awaiting admission will be asked to wait outside The Shop. We ask that you please plan accordingly depending on the weather and your time constraints. We also ask that students inside The Shop be mindful of the students still waiting outside. Each student is allowed up to 10-minutes to shop while inside, and another student will be admitted upon each student departure.

What if I have class and work on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings?  We can arrange another time for you to come by The Shop.  Send us an email at to set up an alternative time.

What if I have more questions or need more resources? Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions or concerns at 

Wait, where are you located again? Beginning in the Fall 2024, The Shop Pantry & Resource Center is located at its new home - 124 State Street. Just across the street from our former location in Rowan Blvd Apartments.

What about the Fresh For All Market?  Check out the flyers below for the time and location of Fresh For All. We currently pre-bag all items, and you can walk up or get in the drive-through line to pick up lots of fresh produce.

For updates on the Fresh For All market, we will continue to update this website as well as the FFA community hotline 856-244-1166. Please be sure to check back for future updates. 

FFA Flyer



