Eating Disorders and Body Image

Eating Disorders and Body Image

Eating Disorders and Body Image

The National Institute on Mental Health identifies two main categories of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Binge-eating disorder fall into another category considered “eating disorder, not otherwise specified.” (EDNOS) Though mostly women and girls are affected by disordered eating, men and boys can have eating disorders as well.

One out of four cases of pre-adolescent anorexia occurs in young boys, and men are equally affected as women in binge eating disorder. Males more often have a past history of obesity whereas women are usually close to average weight prior to onset of the eating disorder. Eating disorders often change over time. with most patients having a course that changes over time, from anorexia to bulimia, and then to a mixed state, or to an EDNOS.

Eating disorders are treatable. The Wellness Center can help you get connected to care in the community.