Tutoring Services
Tutoring Services offers academic support to Rowan University students in a variety of subjects. Tutoring can help students improve their educational achievement and is available free of charge.
In person, virtual, and drop in tutoring options are available. Students also have access to live, online tutoring through Brainfuse.
Rowan students can find information about available tutoring options by viewing their course tab in the Rowan Success Network (RSN) or by clicking here.
How to Schedule a Tutoring Appointment: Step-by-Step Instructions
- Log in to the Rowan Success Network (RSN)
- Click the ≡ icon on the top left of the screen and select Courses
- From the Courses page, select the current semester and choose the course for which you are seeking tutoring
- If tutoring is currently available for the course, you will see "Tutoring Services" and "Schedule Appointment" listed. Click Schedule Appointment
- When asked what you need help with, select Tutoring then click Continue
- Use the calendar tool to find the day you want to schedule an appointment
- Select the timeslot you for the appointment time you prefer, then click Continue
- Enter brief information about what you need support with during the appointment, then click Confirm
Email: Tutoring@rowan.edu
Call: 856-256-4460
Text: 856-559-7005
Courses available for in-person and virtual Tutoring appointments
Click here to view available courses.
Course availability is subject to change at any time. If you are seeking tutoring for a course not listed or need additional options not available in RSN, please fill out this form, and we will do our best to assist you with your request.
How to change or cancel a Tutoring appointment
- Log in to the Rowan Success Network (RSN)
- Click the ≡ icon on the top left of the screen and select Upcoming
- From the Upcoming page, select the appointment you wish to cancel and click the "…" symbol
- Enter a brief description about why you're canceling the appointment then click Cancel
*At least ONE HOUR of notice is required to cancel or change a tutoring appointment.
All students are encouraged to review the Tutoring Center's Cancellation Expectations.
Tutoring Feedback Survey

Drop In Tutoring

Course List
Tutoring appointments are currently available for these courses.

Live Online Tutoring
Live online tutoring, test preparation, and a library of learning resources are available through the Brainfuse platform.

Meet the Tutors
Learn about our many talented and helpful student tutors to find someone who can assist you in your subject.