Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources

Resources for Faculty

Sustainability can be incorporated into any course or topic - and it should be!

Sustainability hinges on the idea of the Triple Bottom Line: Planet, People and Prosperity. The TBL concept reminds us that real sustainability is a combination of concern for the environment, society/culture, and economics. An emphasis on only one area will lead to problems in the other two.

Depending on the course, however, different aspects of sustainability might be emphasized a little more than others. For examples, a physical science or engineering course might focus almost solely on the environment. Other disciplines might introduce major environmental issues, but focus on humans' relationship to nature, or the impacts of business activities on environmental problems. We encourage you to address all three components of the TBL in your courses.

These faculty can help you incorporate sustainability into your course.

Jordan Howell - Environmental & Sustainability Studies / Management - howellj@rowan.edu
Jess Everett - Engineering - everett@rowan.edu
Ted Howell - Writing Arts - howelle@rowan.edu
Thomas Fusco - Theatre & Dance - fusco@rowan.edu
Courtney Richmond - Biological Sciences - richmond@rowan.edu
Mahububur Meenar - Community & Environmental Planning - meenar@rowan.edu
Ashley York - Geographic Information Science - yorka@rowan.edu
Jennifer Kitson - Art / Geography - kitson@rowan.edu
Lana Vojvodic - Biological Sciences - vojvodic@rowan.edu
Dilip Mirchandani - Management - mirchandani@rowan.edu
Ben Sarocco - Rowan Libraries - saracco@rowan.edu
Denise Brush - Rowan Libraries - brush@rowan.edu
Dustin Crowley - English - crowleyd@rowan.edu
Nathan Ruhl - Biological Sciences - ruhl@rowan.edu
Nicholas Whiting - Physics & Astronomy / Molecular & Cellular Biosciences - whitingn@rowan.edu
Samantha Crown - Communication Studies - crown@rowan.edu
Sarah Bauer - Engineering - bauers@rowan.edu
Katie Barrillas - Engineering - barillas@rowan.edu


Sustainability and the Humanities: Curriculum materials related to sustainability in the humanities, developed by Rowan faculty as part of the NEH Cultivating the Environmental Humanities grant, are available on the Rowan Digital Works Open Educational Resources page: rdw.rowan.edu/oer.

We are working to compile our list of teaching resources relating to sustainability - check for updates!