Holiday Shows
Holiday Shows
Holiday Shows
Get in the spirit of the season with these seasonal favorites! Click on the show title to view a trailer.

A holiday music show celebrating the winter season. Artistic impressions of various popular winter holiday music come to life on the dome transporting the entire family to a magical wonderland of music and light. Bells and reindeer, presents and cookies, snow and nutcrackers in colorful spectacles of fun.

Light up the cold dark season with a warm and bright holiday show!
Season of Light explores the reasons humans are so fascinated with lighting up our lives during the December holiday season. It's an exploration of the astronomical meanings behind seasonal traditions, including the "Star over Bethlehem". This show traces the history and development of many of the world's most endearing holiday customs, all of which involve lighting up the winter season — from the burning Yule log, sparkling Christmas tree lights and candles in windows, to the lighting of luminarias in the American Southwest and the traditional ritual of the Hanukkah Menorah.

Join jolly ol’ Santa and concerned alien Mr. Freep as they explore the solar system’s planets and meet the Christmas Eve needs of their fictitious inhabitants.