Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the requirements to join the PATH program?

To be eligible for the program: 1) must identify as neurodivergent and 2) attending Rowan University (main campus Glassboro) as full time or part time student. We encourage students to register with Accessibility Services. 

Registration for 2024-2025 academic year is currently full. If you are interested in receiving support or being added to the waitlist, please email

PLEASE NOTE: Coaching availability is on a first come, first served basis. Students who cannot receive coaching with PATH, will be referred to the University’s Success Coaching program. 

  1. Is PATH a certificate program?

We are not a certificate program but a support program for degree- seeking students. 

 3. Are PATH Success Coaches students?

Yes and no. Success Coaches are students, they are upper classmen/graduate students. Success Coaches can also be staff members of the university.

 4. Does a student need to be involved in all three components to be considered an active member? No, a student does not have to be involved in all three components. PATH is a self-select program, which means a student can choose what components they find desirable.

 5. Does PATH Cost anything?

 There is no additional cost for PATH. 

6. Does PATH offer specialized dorms for neurodivergent students?

No, PATH students can reside in university housing or off-campus due to their preference. Accommodations related to housing are addressed with Accessibility Services. 

7. Can Rowan Choice students partake in PATH's Coaching Program?

We unfortunately, do not allow Rowan Choice students to partake in our coaching program. Since they are considered students of RCGC (Rowan College of Gloucester County). To be eligible for our coaching program, students would need to take classes on the Glassboro campus.

 8. Is there any summer programming?

Yes, the College Compass Program is a summer bridge program which allows students registered with Accessibility Services to move to campus a week early!