flp how do i get started?

flp how do i get started?

The Education Abroad Office provides faculty members with the opportunity to select from two distinct program types for conducting their programs.
Option 1: This option allows the professor to teach a 3 credit course overseas during the summer. Typically these programs will run 1-3 weeks in the country of choice. The professor will work with one of the approved providers (see below) to design and build a program etc. (Only matriculated Rowan students can apply) Students would be responsible to cover the tuition cost for the course, provider fees for the program and any additional costs not included in the program fees (i.e. passport, personal expenses, some meals)
Option 2: This option allows the professor to add an international component to a spring course. The international component will take place overseas in the country of choice during the January term, Spring Break, or “Maymester.” (Only matriculated Rowan students can apply) The tuition cost for this is already included in the student's semester bill. Additionally, the students would have to pay for the provider fees for the program and any additional costs not included in the program fees (i.e. passport, personal expenses, some meals)



We're so glad you asked! Below you'll find a robust explaination of how to begin this process. There is a lot involved so we encourage you to reach out the the Education Abroad Advisor (studyabroad@rowan.edu) to ask any questions you may have along the way!

Step 1: Start Thinking.

Start thinking about the course you want to teach abroad. We suggest choosing a course that is already "on the books" and doesn't need to be approved by Senate. We also suggest that the course be broad so that students can take the course as a major component, free elective, or Rowan core etc.

As the faculty leader you have the freedom to choose a provider with which to work. The links below will take you to the websites of each provider so that you can call to begin creating your program. Before you call though, think about what kind of program you want to offer: what location(s) you wish to travel to, what cultural hotspots you want to go to, what your itinerary might look like and how all of these things relate to your course. 

We urge you to review our FACULTY LED GUIDE This handbook will explain in detail how to move through the proposal process all the way through your return after your program is completed. After reviewing the handbook you can contact the providers (listed below) to begin designing your program. We encourage you to reach out of a few providers and determine which one will be able to provide the program you've envisioned. The providers will provide many services that include creating an itinerary, obtaining class space if needed, organization cultural visits, arranging transportation etc. You will work with your provider on your customized program and can add/remove things as you need to keep the program cost effective. 


  Our available providers are:  International Studies AbroadAmerican Institute for Foreign Stud

                                                             World Endeavors | EF College Study Tours

Step 2: I've picked my provider, now what? 

Once you have an itinerary and program design set with your provider you will now begin the process of submitting a program proposal with the International Center's Education Abroad Office. The proposal is completed online so you'll need to email the Education Abroad Advisor (studyabroad@rowan.edu) to be given access to the online portal. Along with approval from your Dean, there are several items within the proposal that you’ll complete so give yourself plenty of time to submit it. All proposals are due by February 4th of the year prior to your program. (i.e. if you want to run a May 2026 program, your proposal must be submitted by February 4th, 2025)

Step 3: I submitted my proposal, now what?

Once your proposal is submitted, the Education Abroad Committee will meet to review it. The Education Abroad  Committee is made up of representatives from each College/School at Rowan. The committee will review all faculty-led proposals and will vote to approve (or not) your program to run. The committee’s purpose in reviewing these proposals is to ensure the academic rigor and quality of the program abroad, and to ensure that the destination, itinerary and places visited all relate to the course material. After review, the Education Abroad Advisor will notify you, via email, if your proposal has been approved, or if you need to resubmit it with additional information. 

Step 4: My proposal has been approved, what's next?

Once approved, the Education Abroad Advisor will notify you of your approval and schedule a meeting with you to discuss a recruitment strategy, review student application deadlines and what the next steps will be as you promote your program. Once your program is approved you'll be able to promote!