Services Offered

Free Emergency Medical Services to the Campus
Rowan University EMS is funded primarily by the Rowan University Student Government Association (SGA) and is a division of Student Health. We are located in Winans Hall, under the Student Health Center and operate 3 full transport Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulances under Cooper University Medical Center Medical Direction; along with 3 first responders. When someone on campus calls 911 because of a Medical Emergency Rowan EMS is dispatched to the scene. We boast a response time of fewer than 5 minutes from activation of the 911 system to when one of our ambulances arrive on the scene.

Free Transport to Health Appointments
Using student worker EMTs we provide scheduled transports to off-campus medical and therapy appointments, within a 15-mile radius of the campus. Transports are available Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm.
For more information about Transports and how to sign up, please click here.

Public Access AED Program
Rowan EMS is responsible for maintaining the Public Access AED program for all the University Campuses. Student EMTs inspect and replace pads and batteries on a monthly schedule. EMS also assists departments to obtain and install defibrillators in campus buildings by arranging the purchase of units and selecting appropriate locations. Rowan presently has 80 defibrillators in our program.

First Aid and CPR Training
Rowan EMS is affiliated with the American Heart Association and provides CPR/First Aid Training to groups and individuals at a reduced per person cost. You do not have to be associated with the university to participate in the program. Several versions of the training are available such as Hands-Only and Professional Rescuer. Training can be requested by filing out the request form.

Van Driver Training
Rowan EMS offers an approved Van Driver Training course for University Passenger and Cargo Vans. This is a classroom course with a behind the wheel cones course added that covers the concept of defensive driving and the operation of larger vehicles. The instructors are certified driver trainers who also teach a CEVO 5 driving course for Emergency Vehicles. This course is approved by the university for those who need certification to operate university Vans. The class is available upon request by contacting

Sporting and Special Event Coverage
Being the primary EMS response agency for Rowan University we are equipped and experienced in providing EMS coverage for large events as well as sporting events on the three university campuses. We provide coverage for all Rowan Football games. Rowan EMS is available to provide coverage for events such as 5k runs, Concerts and large events such as Commencement, Home Coming and Move in. Charity Events may be covered at no or reduced cost and can be requested through University Conference and Event Services or at
Note: We strongly recommend events with an expected attendance of 1,000 or more persons, 5K runs, and events held during temperatures above 85 degrees or humid conditions have EMS coverage.

Bike Teams
Our EMS Bike Team is an extremely valuable asset to us during large scale events. These are constantly mobile and maneuverable assets that enable quick response to emergencies during large-scale events where lots of people are present. This allows for our EMTs to begin treating the patient while one of our Ambulances makes their way through the crowds. They are often times deployed during graduation, concerts, races, and parades.