Incoming First-Year Students
Incoming First-Year Students
Welcome to Rowan University!
The Advising Services staff is excited to meet and assist you as you begin your academic career at Rowan. All students are assigned an academic advisor and we recommend that you plan to meet with him or her at least once per semester to ensure you're making appropriate progress toward degree completion. Your advisor is a great resource for major/career guidance, course selection, university policies and procedures and helping you transition to and get acquainted with your new campus and all it has to offer. Below we've outlined some advisor responsibilities as well as some expectations we have for you. The most productive meetings occur when advisor AND student are prepared in advance. We look forward to working together. Please come see us soon!
Responsibilities of Student:
- Read your Rowan student email (Advisors may send important information through email)
- Schedule regular appointments with advisor (at least once a semester)
- Read and understand University policies and procedures, registration timelines, how to drop, add, or withdraw from a course, university withdrawal policies, Student University Handbook
- Learn about and utilize online tools including the Rowan Success Network powered by Starfish, Degree Works, Self-Service Banner, & Section Tally
- Gain working knowledge of Major/Program requirements and benchmarks, including timeline for degree completion
- Maintain personal record of your progress toward meeting personal goals
- Develop personal goals and provide your advisor with accurate information regarding your interests and abilities
- Invest yourself in the educational process and accept responsibility for decisions
- Understand the benefits of academic advising and support services at Rowan University
Responsibilities of Advisor:
- Understand and effectively communicate the curriculum, graduation requirements, and University and College policies and procedures
- Encourage and support students to develop clear and attainable educational plans
- Provide students with information about and strategies for utilizing resources and services on campus
- Assist students to understand the purposes and goals of higher education and its effects on their lives and personal goals
- Monitor and accurately document students’ progress toward meeting their goals
- Be accessible to meet with advisees via office hours, telephone, and e-mail
- Assist students with decision making skills and skills to assume responsibility for their educational plans and achievements
- Assist in developing a plan for degree completion and timely graduation
- Maintain confidentiality as appropriate per University guidelines
- 15 to Finish! Did you know that most majors can be completed with 120-121 credits*? That means 15 credits per semester for eight semesters = 120 credits and degree completion in FOUR years!
- Take Reading/Math placement exams
- Review your program guide
- Learn more about the Rowan Seminar course
- Contact your advisor if you have questions or concerns about your schedule
- Access Focus-2, a self assessment tool for interest and career exploration (Access Code: PROFS).
*Check with your academic advisor for your program requirements

Incoming first-year schedules are automatically generated and distributed at Summer Welcome Days. Please plan to meet with your advisor during that time.

Placement Testing
Placement testing is required and necessary for all incoming first-year students. Click here to find out times, locations, and other important testing information.

Rowan Seminar
Rowan Seminar courses help students transition into a more rigorous academic experience.