Law & Justice Program Guide

Law & Justice Program Guide

Law & Justice Program Guide for Degree in Three

College: CHSS
Department: Law and Justice Studies
Degree: B.A. in Law and Justice Studies
Updated: 7/2018
Unofficial Program Guide
Fall 1 = 18 credits
Course 1: Survey of Criminal Justice (3) (RS)
Course 2: College Composition I (3)
Course 3: Essentials of Psychology (3)
Course 4: Rowan Core Artistic Literacy (3)
Course 5: American Government (3)
Course 6: Outside Free Elective (3)
Spring 1 = 18 credits
Course 1: Choose one:  American Police, Introduction to Courts, or Introduction to Corrections (3)
Course 2: Criminal Law (3)
Course 3: College Composition II (3)
Course 4: Elementary Statistics (3)
Course 5: Social Problems (3)
Course 6: Outside Free Elective (3)
Summer 1 = 6 credits
Course 1: Law and Justice Elective (3)
Course 2: Outside Free Elective (3)
Benchmark: Completion of 42 credits by the end of Summer I, with 2.75 GPA
Fall 2 = 18 credits
Course 1: Theories of Crime (3)
Course 2: Law and Justice Elective (3)
Course 3: Public Speaking (3)
Course 4: Rowan Core Scientific Literacy (4)
Course 5: Any Rowan Core Course (3)
Course 6:utside Free Elective (2)
Spring 2 = 18 credits
Course 1: Criminal Justice Research (3)
Course 2: Law and Justice Elective (3)
Course 3: Introduction to Ethics (3)
Course 4: Any Rowan Core Course (3)
Course 5: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 6: Outside Free Elective (3)
Summer 2 = 6 credits
Course 1: Criminal Justice Internship (3)
Course 2: Outside Free Elective (3)
Benchmark: Completion of 84 credits by the end of Summer II, with 2.75 GPA
Fall 3 = 18 credits
Course 1: Law and Human Rights (3)
Course 2: Law and Justice Elective (3)
Course 3: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 4: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 5: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 6: Outside Free Elective (3)
Spring 3 = 18 credits
Course 1: Seminar in Law and Justice (3)
Course 2: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 3: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 4: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 5: Outside Free Elective (3)
Course 6: Outside Free Elective (3)


Rowan Core:

____ College Composition I (COML)

____ College Composition II (COML)

____ Public Speaking (COML)

____ Artistic Literacy (ARTL)

____ Global Literacy (GLBL) – met by Social Problems

____ Humanistic Literacy (HUML) – met by Essentials of Psychology

____ Quantitative Literacy (QNTL) – met by Elementary Statistics

____ Scientific Literacy (SCIL)


Rowan Experience:

____ Rowan Seminar (RS) – met by Survey of Criminal Justice            

____ Literature (LIT) – met by Introduction to Ethics                                               

____ Writing Intensive (WI) – met by Seminar in Law and Justice