About the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

About the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

About the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

The Rowan University Annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains information such as: crime prevention, Rowan University Police Department authority, crime reporting policies, fire safety, disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about fire statistics in Rowan University Residential Facilities and crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings/property owned or controlled by the University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

The Rowan University Police Department's Clery Compliance Office prepares this report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act. The process includes collecting statistics obtained from multiple sources and then reporting them to the Rowan University community by October 1st. The report is compiled using information maintained by the Rowan University Police Department, by other University offices such as the Office of Student Equity & Compliance, Residential Learning & University Housing, Office of Community Standards (Student Conduct), Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) and information provided by local law enforcement agencies surrounding the University’s campuses. These agencies are municipal law enforcement which include the Glassboro, Camden County, Harrison Twp., Mantua Twp., and Stratford Police Departments as well as other county and state law enforcement agencies. Crime statistics reported by any of these sources are recorded in the calendar year in which the crime was reported.

An annual written request for statistical information is made to designated non-police reporting officials at the University known as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). The University has a Clery Act Committee comprised of representatives from key departments and campuses at Rowan. The Rowan University Police Department, in conjunction with the Offices of the Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students, Residential Learning & University Housing, Office of Student Equity & Compliance and General Counsel share the responsibility for this report at Rowan University. Each of these University offices provides updated policy information and data. All statistics are gathered, compiled, and reported to the University community via the published Annual Security and Fire Safety Report by the Rowan University Police Department (RUPD).

 The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available on the Rowan University Police Department, Clery Act webpage at: https://sites.rowan.edu/publicsafety/_docs/annual_security_report.pdf

The Clery Compliance Office can assist you with any questions you may have: (856) 256-4562 or