CSA Recertification Training

CSA Recertification Training

 Clery Act Campus Security Authority Annual Recertification Training and Confirmation of Crime Reporting


Why am I required to review this training?

The University identified you as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) based on your position responsibilities. This training information below is a condensed version of the full Clery Act training and is designed to remind you of the reporting requirements as well as indicate if you have any crimes to report for the prior calendar year. After reviewing this information please click the link at the bottom and complete the brief google form to confirm your participation in the recertification and reporting of calendar year 2024 incidents.

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education to disclose campus crime statistics and information about safety-related policies in an annual report. The Act is intended to provide current and potential students and their families with accurate, complete and timely information about safety on our campuses or “Clery Act geography” so they can make informed decisions.


What is a Campus Security Authority?

Campus Security Authority (CSA) is a mandated reporter for those allegations of Clery Act crimes for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. Campus Security Authority is a Clery Act-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations.

  • A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  • Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute the campus police department or campus security department.
  • Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  • An official of the University who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and University Leadership. An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.

Although every institution wants its campus community to report all criminal incidents to law enforcement, this does not always happen. The intent of including non-law enforcement personnel as CSAs is to acknowledge that individuals and students in particular, may be hesitant about reporting crimes to the police, but could be more inclined to report incidents to other campus-affiliated individuals. Many Rowan employees and certain students, including faculty, are designated as CSAs by the head of their unit or school (often a VP or a Dean) in consultation with the Office of Clery Compliance.

Some Examples of CSAs include but are not limited to:

  • Rowan University Police and Security Officers
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Residential Learning & University Housing professional staff, Community Directors and Community Assistants
  • Student conduct (Office of Community Standards) staff
  • Student Center & Student Activities staff
  • Orientation and Student Leadership Programs staff
  • Director of Athletics and Coaches
  • Faculty advisors to student groups
  • Title IX Coordinator
  • Director of Wellness Center
  • Victim advocates or others who are responsible for providing victims with advocacy services, such as assisting with housing relocation, disciplinary action or court cases, etc.

Examples of individuals who would not meet the criteria for a CSA include:

  • Faculty member who does not have any responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom.
  • Professional and Pastoral Counselors
  • Clerical or cafeteria staff


What are the responsibilities of a CSA?

A CSA is responsible for reporting allegations of Clery Act crimes reported to them to the Rowan University Police Department or Clery Compliance Office. Reports are utilized by the University to compile statistics for annual Clery Act reporting, Daily Crime log, and to help determine if there is a serious or continuing threat to the safety of the campus community that would require a mass notification (i.e., a Rowan Timely Warning or Rowan Alert). If the information reported to a CSA indicates an immediate threat or that it would be appropriate for an officer to respond, that information should be reported directly to the Rowan University Police Department. If police response is not required, Campus Security Authorities are provided with a link to an online form to report crimes to the Clery Compliance Office: CSA Reporting Form.

A CSA report does not automatically result in the initiation of a police or disciplinary investigation if the victim does not want to pursue this action. In most cases it is possible for a CSA to fulfill the reporting responsibilities while still maintaining victim confidentiality. Inclusion of personally identifiable information (complainant’s name, suspect’s name, etc.) is not required, but the inclusion of such information, if known, may assist the University in providing services and eliminating the possibility of double-counting incidents.

There are some special reporting considerations to this process for these specific CSAs:

  • Community Assistants/Directors/Designated Residential Learning & University Housing staff: In most cases, general incidents reported to RLUH staff are reported directly to RUPD and then through the Maxient reporting program. The Clery Compliance Office reviews these reports for compliance with the Clery Act.
  • Rowan University sponsored trips off campus, or off site events: Report crime immediately to the law enforcement agency that is the jurisdiction for that location, especially if in progress. Follow up using the on line CSA reporting process.
  • Rowan University Police Department: Complete RUPD Incident reports on all crimes.

For reporting purposes, only those crimes taking place within the Clery geography are required. This geography includes buildings and property that are part of the University’s campus(es), the University’s non-campus buildings or property, and the public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus(es).

What crimes must be reported by CSAs?

The Clery Act mandates reporting of the following criminal offenses, hate crimes and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) incidents. The complete crime definitions can be found here.

Crime Offenses:

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Criminal Homicide: These offenses are separated into two categories: Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, and Manslaughter by Negligence.
  • Hazing
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Robbery
  • Sexual Assault (Sex Offenses): (Rape, Fondling, Incest and Statutory Rape)

Arrests and Referrals (Collected from the Office of Community Standards):

  • Liquor/Drug law violations, Weapon law violations

Hate Crimes: An offense that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim. Include any of the previous crimes and any incidents of

  • Larceny/Theft, Simple assault, Intimidation or destruction/damage/vandalism of property (Criminal Mischief)
  • Bias Categories: Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Gender Identity, Ethnicity, National Origin and Disability

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA Offenses):

  • Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking

Sexual violence and VAWA (Domestic/Dating Violence, Stalking and Bias/Hate) Incidents should also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. 

What sanctions against the University are possible if a CSA fails to report an incident?

  • Monetary Fines: Universities found in violation can be “fined” per incident by the U.S. Department of Education for any material misrepresentation of information (what was actually reported, or what failed to be reported).
  • Disqualification: Non-compliance with the Clery Act can have a negative impact on the University’s ability to receive federal financial aid or qualify for federal grant programs.
  • Reputational Damage: Clery Act violations can have national attention and consequences. The Department of Education uses adverse publicity to incentivize compliance by universities.

What are some additional resources for a CSA?

As a recap, what are the steps that a CSA should follow to report an alleged crime?

Step 1 –Obtain and record the facts from the reporting party

Step 2 –Report the facts as completely and accurately as possible to the Rowan University Police Department – directly or in a non-emergency report by using the online CSA Report located: CSA Reporting Form

While the regular reporting of Clery crimes is part of your role, the Rowan Clery Compliance Office is also required to request any information on unreported Clery crimes for calendar year 2024 to complete our records. If you believe that you have any crime information, that was not previously reported, please use the CSA Report link above to report.

Please click the link below and complete the brief google form to confirm your participation in the recertification and reporting of calendar year 2024 incidents.

CSA Recertification and Reporting Form 

Thank you for reviewing the training information. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Clery Compliance at (856) 256-4562 or cleryact@rowan.edu.