Pedagogy & Methodology Activities

Pedagogy & Methodology Activities

Submitting Pedagogy & Methodology Activities

Submitting Pedagogy & Methodology Activities

Rowan University Office of Research Compliance (ORC) recognizes its colleges and schools conduct cutting-edge pedagogical programs to maximize student engagement and to provide optimal learning environment for students in various disciplines. The ORC does not consider some classroom-based methodological and pedagogical activities to fall under the Common Rule definition of research i.e., systematic investigation leading to generalizable knowledge. Classroom-based activities/studies often are not designed to develop generalizable knowledge. 

Pedagogy & Methodological Activities Guidance 

The ORC requests course directors to submit any pedagogical or methodological training activities that involve information collected from and about individuals but with no intent to use information collected to contribute to generalizable knowledge. Submissions can be done via the Cayuse IRB (CIRB) system, similar to other studies.  

To submit this to the IRB via CIRB, please do the following: 

  • Log into Cayuse IRB
  • Select the "+ New Study" option from your CIRB dashboard
  • Complete Study information, and then select New Submission
  • In Section 2, select Non-Human Subjects Research including Pedagogy/ Methodological 
  • Students must complete CITI training 
  • Attach all requested documents in the Human Subjects Research Determination section. Documents include but are not limited to:

Once the application is complete, click "Proceed" to complete submission