Employer Eligibility

Employer Eligibility

Employer Eligibility

Federal, state, local public agencies*, and private nonprofit organization may be eligible to participate in this program. Work is not permitted for the U.S. Department of Education, the Congress and its committees, or for individual elected officials at any level of government as part of this program. The work must be performed "in the public interest" - that is, for the national or community welfare, rather than for a particular interest or group.

*Local public agencies include city or county governmental offices, public schools, community-owned hospitals, public libraries, and community centers. A private nonprofit organization is one in which no part of the net earnings of the agency may benefit any private shareholder or individual. Organizations recognized as nonprofit under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code qualify for Work-Study eligibility. Private nonprofit organizations including colleges and universities, hospitals, day care centers, halfway houses, crisis centers, and summer camps may be eligible for this program. Work for sectarian organizations is permitted, but the work must be in the public interest and cannot in any way support sectarian ends.

Employers that meet the eligibility requirements above must sign Federal Work Study forms with Rowan's Office of Career Advancement.  The forms can be located here