Student Evaluations in Banner
Student Evaluations in Banner
Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness in Banner
Overview ~ Requesting Use ~ Online Classes ~ Administration & Tips ~ Sending "Nudges" ~ Final Report ~ FAQs ~ Computer Labs
The electronic "Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness" is a survey that students can take online at the end of the semester to evaluate their instructors. This survey is not mandatory for all courses. Please check with your department.
The questions on the student survey can be viewed here. Questions may not be removed or added to this evaluation.
This survey is not available in a paper-and-pencil format.
Requesting to Use Survey
Instructors must submit a request (see instructions below) for their students to have access to the survey.
- An instructor can request a survey after the first day of the semester. The survey will be created immediately (but might not be visible to students).
- The latest an instructor can request a survey is 4:59 pm on the day before the last day of the semester, as students should be allowed at least 24 hours to complete it.
- The survey will be visible to students during the last 5 weeks of a fall or spring semester, or the last 1 week of a summer semester, if their instructor has requested the survey.
- The evaluation closes to students at 5:00 pm on the last day of the semester. There is no option to modify the closing date.
- Accommodations can be requested for special situations such as team teaching and shorter courses.
Instructions for instructors to request the evaluation:
- Go to
- Click "Access Banner Services - Secure Area - login Required."
- Enter User ID and PIN.
- Click on the "Faculty Services" tab.
- Click "Request Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness.”
- Select one of the classes that you are currently teaching.
- Click “Submit.”
- Repeat for other classes.
Evaluations for Online Courses
Online courses evaluations use the same questions plus ones that relate to the Rowan Online experience. Instructors who teach online courses should go to the Rowan Global for the procedures. Note: you must be logged into the Rowan Portal to view this information.
Course evaluations are available to you 14 days AFTER the official end date of your course evaluation (17 days after the official end date of your course) has passed and you have entered in your final grades.
Administering the Survey and Tips for Improving Response Rates
Inform your students that you have requested the evaluation for your class(es) and give them the instructions below so that they may access the evaluation. Instructions for students to access the evaluation:
For improved response rates:
- Go to
- In the top right corner, pull down the QuickLinks menu.
- Select Self Service/Banner.
- Click "Access Banner Services - Secure Area - login Required."
- Enter your Rowan User ID (starts with 916…) and PIN. Click Log In.
- Click "Personal Information."
- Click "Answer a Survey."
- Click on one of the student evaluations for your classes.
- Complete the student evaluation.
- Click “Survey Complete” to submit your completed student evaluation.
- Repeat for other classes.
- Instructors are encouraged to use class time for their students to complete the evaluation. Please note that instructors and teaching assistants are required to leave the room while their students complete the evaluation. (Wait in the hallway. Appoint a student to notify you when to return.
- Select a class during the last 5 weeks where you expect high attendance (perhaps a test day?).
- Conduct the evaluation at the beginning (not the end) of the class, and explain that you will allow 15-20 minutes to complete the evaluation, so there is no need to rush.
- The evaluation has been optimized for display on small screens (such as cell phones and other mobile devices).
- Computer labs can be reserved for this (see chart below)
- Remind students responses are anonymous and are not released to the instructor until after the deadline for grade submission. You can assure your students that their responses will in no way affect their grades.
- Monitor your response rates periodically and take active steps to improve low response before the time ends.
- "Nagging" or “Nudging” by email is one of the most powerful tactics to improve response rates - this can be done by you through Banner (see below).
- Stress to students that their opinions are valued and expected, and it is important that you hear from everyone.
- An instructor should not offer extra credit or other award incentives to students to increase the response rate.
Sending "Nudges"
Instructors may monitor the number of student evaluations completed and automatically send “nudges” (reminder emails) to only those students who have not yet completed the evaluation.
Instructions for Sending a Nudge to Remind Students to Take the Survey:
Go to the “View Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness Requested” page in Banner, listed as a menu option under the “Faculty Services” tab.
- Go to
- In the top right corner, pull down the QuickLinks menu.
- Select Self Service/Banner
- Click "Access Banner Services - Secure Area - login Required."
- Enter your Rowan User ID (starts with 915 … or 916…) and PIN. Click Log In.
- Be sure that the Faculty Services tab is selected.
- Click View Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness Selected.
- Select the term.
- Click “Send a Reminder.”
Receiving the Final Report
The report of completed Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness will be emailed to the instructor.
Look for an email from Information Resources and Technology ( approximately one week after the final date that semester grades can be submitted.
The results of the survey are only sent to the instructor. The instructor may choose to share the results with others. Some departments may require instructors to share the results of the survey for tenure, recontracting, or rehiring purposes.
- For suggestions on how to interpret your report, go to our Teaching Resources page.
- Frequently Asked Questions and their answers are here.
- Contact Natalie Kautz, Assistant Director of the Faculty Center,, 856-256-4669 (or 64669 from a campus phone).
Reserving Rowan Computer Labs
Location Name |
Max Capacity |
Type of Lab |
How to reserve (and who approves) |
301HGH 205 |
29 |
Mac |
25Live (CCCA) |
301HGH 305 |
29 |
Mac |
25Live (CCCA) |
BUNCE 156 |
32 |
PC |
25Live (University Scheduling) |
BUSN 107 |
40 |
PC |
25Live (RCOB) |
BUSN 233 |
40 |
PC |
25Live (RCOB) |
JAMES 1141 |
49 |
Open Computer Lab |
NA |
JAMES 2108 |
20 |
PC |
25Live (University Scheduling) |
JAMES 2110 |
28 |
Mac |
25Live (University Scheduling) |
JAMES 2113 |
28 |
Mac |
25Live (University Scheduling) |
LBRARY 138 |
30 |
PC |
25Live (Campbell Library) |
ROBSON 311 |
50 (24 computers) |
PC |
25Live (GENV) |
ROBSON 312 |
25 |
PC |
25Live (CSCI) |
ROBSON 325 |
25 |
PC |
25Live (CSCI) |
SAVITZ 240 |
20 |
Office of Career Advancement Lab |
Contact |
VCTRIA 201 |
24 |
Mac |
25Live (CCCA) |
VCTRIA 301 |
20 |
Mac |
25Live (CCCA) |