McKibben Creature

McKibben Creature


The McKibben Creature is a low-cost robot that is solely actuated by McKibben muscles. Materials such as corrugated cardboard and other readily available materials can be used for construction. All robots must address 3 challenges: locomotion, collection, and storage. Students will be working in teams of 3-4 to design and produce these robots. At the end of the project, students will compete in a simulated environment to collect small “food” tokens. Tokens can be placed at varying elevation levels with differing values of points.

This report has been written into a peer-reviewed conference paper. For further details into the curricular context of this particular project, please refer to the paper [1].

Theory Application

Understand the acutation principle and underlying engineering theory applies to this project.

Project Description

See the breakdown of how this project will be implemented in a course including instructor prep, materials, and phase timeline.

Sample Prototype

See how the developers fabricated the prototype of this project.