Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness
Rowan Emergency Preparedness Information
The Office of Emergency Management provides information about communications and basic safety procedures to use in the event of an emergency that threatens public safety. If you see it, report it. Immediately report emergency situations occurring (such as fire, explosion, storm damage, hazardous material spills, chemical odors, flooding, accidents, injuries, criminal or suspicious activities, etc.) to the Rowan University Police Department or by using a campus emergency telephone.

For an Emergency (Police, Fire, Medical) Call 9-1-1
When you call for assistance:
- Give your: name, location, and telephone number
- Nature of the emergency
- Report the need for medical or other assistance
- Provide: the description, location or direction of travel of fleeing suspect(s), description of motor vehicle(s) involved and the presence of weapons
- Any dangers to emergency responders
Please remain on the telephone until the dispatcher has told you to disconnect.
Non-Emergency Numbers
All Campuses: 856-256-4922
Main Campus - Glassboro: 856-256-4922
Rowan SOM - Stratford: 856-566-6033
CMSRU - Camden: 856-361-2880/2881
Rowan Camden 856-361-2991
Power and Maintenance Emergencies
During normal business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.), call Facilities Operations & Maintenance at ext. 4650 to report power, leaks, broken windows, unsecured doors and any other maintenance emergency.
After 4:00 p.m., call the Rowan Police Department at ext. 64922.
Emergency Communication
Quick and reliable communication is critical during a campus emergency. At Rowan, we rely on a number of ways to communicate to our students and employees, including email, voicemail, Internet, the media and social media. The best and fastest way for us to reach you is through your cell device. With the University's mass notification system, we can send you emergency text messages, warnings, and advisories. The Rowan University Police Department and the Office of Emergency Management encourage the entire University community to register and periodically update their personal contact information.
REGISTER NOW for the Rowan ALERT SYSTEM and Mass Notification System. Subscribers will receive information about:
- Rowan Alert for University emergencies
- Timely Warnings for incidents that represent a serious or continuing threat
- Rowan Advisory for non-emergencies, i.e., including school closures, building closures, power outages, etc.
To subscribe, please visit Rowan Alert System and Mass Notification System.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Rowan Alert, feel free to call the technology Support Desk at 856-256-4400.
Register for the Gloucester and Camden Counties alert systems. Be the first to get word about county-wide weather alerts, and emergency information in Gloucester and Camden County that will affect you.
- To register for Gloucester County, visit Gloucester County Alert System website.
- To register for Camden County, visit Camden County Alert System website
Additional safety and health information for all campuses can be obtained from the following university web sites: