Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Divison of DEI Updates:
- The Division of DEI recently received the HEED Award for the consecutive year!! Many thanks to the collaborative efforts of the division, the DEI council, and Rowan University employees and students who continue to make our campus a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming environment.
- Please update your college/department's Strategic Action Plans (SAP)- DUE December 5th, 2022. You can find the link to update your SAPs here.
- Dr. Rachael Shapiro is convening a meeting of leaders of DEI committees in October if you would like to be involved in our important committee work, please email any of the following people: shaprior@rowan.edu, shealey@rowan.edu, mcphersonp@rowan.edu, and/or gunn@rowan.edu
- DEI is addressing a recent incident of racism in the residence hall → Town Hall and subsequent meeting with NAACP and BSA leaders on campus, meeting scheduled with Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office scheduled to address this incident not being pursued as a crime of bias.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok @RowanDEI
Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict Resolution (SJICR)
- SJICR has many exciting and important events planned for this year. Please visit this link for regularly updated SJICR information and events for the most up-to-date information.
- Some upcoming events include:
- SERV (Services Empowering Rights of Victims) counselor Marisa Douglas with hold office hours in SJICR’s cultural Library on Mondays from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm for confidential 1:1 counseling
- Be on the lookout via Rowan Announcer for the faculty/staff interest form in helping SJICR/ASCEND launch the Men of Color Collective group.
- Women of Color Collective, next meeting is 11/7 at 7:00 p.m. in Hawthorn Hall

The Center for Neurodiversity
The Center for Neurodiversity welcomes the new co-directors for 2022-2023, Chiara Latimer and John Woodruff! A huge thank you to Dr. Amy Accardo, inaugural director of the Center, for the amazing job she has done since the launch of the center. The Center for Neurodiversity also welcomes Visiting Scholar in Residence, Zosia Zaks, and Ph.D. Graduate Assistant, Mary Kalliny. The Center is located on the first floor of Laurel Hall. Please visit the website: go.rowan.edu/neurodiversity.
Upcoming events:
Center for Access, Persistence and Achievement (CAPA)
CAPA is pleased to share the digital brochure with further information on the Center for Access, Persistence and Achievement - https://sites.rowan.edu/ascend/_docs/capa-digital-brochure.pdf
Please visit the website - www.rowan.edu/capa
The Faculty Center
- The Faculty Center is working on several DEI-related initiatives, including building the infrastructure to house all DEI professional development certificate programs in the Center, making DEI more central to the Center’s messaging, and working on finalizing the White Paper for Antiracist Taskforce. Additionally, the faculty center is focused on:
- Responding to Black Student Union’s demand for a course in the Black Diaspora
- Processing the data from the Faculty of Color listening tour to inform work to do in the future around providing infrastructural support for faculty of color work and support for work around cluster hires
- Addressing Black Student Union (BSU) demands a course on Black Diaspora and anti-racism - moving forward with a task force co-led by Dr. Chanell Rose and Dr. Rachael Shapiro for a curriculum proposal for a designation in the Rowan core.
Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine (RowanSOM)
- RowanSOM eagerly awaits hearing back on the SOM’s HEED Health Professions submission.
- SOM concluded its Vice Dean and Director of the Student Success Center (formerly the Center for Teaching and Learning) finalist interviews.
- The Aftershock is a documentary on Hulu regarding the Black maternal mortality crisis. RowanSOM is planning a SOM panel discussion and looking for potential co-sponsors to make a university-wide virtual event. You can watch the documentary here.
Every issue of the newsletter is available on the RowansSOM DEI website.
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU)
Celebrating CMSRU's 10th Anniversary CMSRU is celebrating a decade of growth and innovation in medical education and research.