Tenure, Recontracting, & Promotion (TR&P) and Sabbatical Support
Tenure, Recontracting, & Promotion (TR&P) and Sabbatical Support
Tenure, Recontracting, & Promotion (TR&P) and Sabbatical Support
General TR&P Information & Agreements
AFT Local Agreements
AFT Local Agreements - MOAs, forms, checklists, and more covering T&R, Promotion, Sabbatical, etc. All needed instructions can be found here.
Timeline for the T&R evaluation of First Year Faculty and Librarians 09.29.23
A message from Cristina Iftode, Co-chair of the Senate TR&P Committee, 09.29.23
The timeline for the T&R evaluation of first year faculty and librarians has been inadvertently deleted from the 2022-2023 Tenure and Recontracting MOA. We apologize for this error and we thank those who, by requesting clarifications, made us realize this information was missing. The timeline is the same as that for lecturers (see p. 9 of MOA). If any of the above deadlines falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be at 5 PM on the following business day.
Candidates should provide their file to the Department TRP Committee approximately two weeks prior to the date the file is due to the Dean. This date can be extended if the file is transmitted to the next level on time. Candidates should contact their department committees to set a specific deadline.
The Dean holds recontracting authority for first year of service faculty and librarians, and the Provost or designee will only evaluate candidates in cases of faculty appeals when the Dean has denied recontracting. Provost’s decisions are final and not subject to any further administrative review. The evaluation process of first year faculty (tenure-track and lecturers) and librarians is described on p. 4 of the current MOA.
MOA Impact of Covid Statement (9/24/20)
The purpose of the Impact of COVID-19 statement is for inclusion within documentation relating to any deficiencies in anticipated benchmarks and achievements of AFT employees during this unprecedented time. AU levels of evaluations of the performance and production of AFT employees for the purposes of probationary recontracting, tenure, multi-year recontracting, promotion, sabbatical, and any other related evaluations should not be affected negatively because of the effects of the pandemic.
Chair of the University TR&P Committee
The Senate TR&P Committee Chair is Cristina Iftode. All questions should be emailed to senatetandr@rowan.edu. Please reference the appropriate MOA in your email.
Tenure & Recontracting Process & Resources
Overview of the T&R Process
The T&R Process Session slides (8/23)
Note: You must sign in with your Rowan credentials to view the slides
Lecturer Promotion
Please contact senatetandr@rowan.edu for guidance. Please reference the appropriate MOA in your email.
Research and Scholarship: Library Resources
Campbell Library - Research and Scholarship - This page provides resources and tools that will help you get started with your research and scholarship.
Tenure & Recontracting Packet Preparation
Tenure, Recontracting, & Promotion Sessions for 2024-25 & Recordings
All sessions are virtual from 3:30-4:30 on Fridays
September 13 - Q&A- Last minute questions for candidates applying for tenure for Tenure-Track (TT) Faculty and librarians (year 6th of service)
September 27 - Q&A- Last minute questions for TT candidates applying for 5th and/or 6th year recontracting for TT faculty and TT librarians in their 4th or 5th year of service
October 18 - Avoiding pitfalls and supporting T&R candidates for TRP Committees (chairs and members) (recording)
November 22 - The first TT comprehensive application: 3rd and 4th year recontracting for TT Faculty and TT Librarians in their 2nd year of service (recording) (presentation slides)
December 13 - How to prepare your first year of service (formative) recontracting file for First year of service faculty and librarians (TT and Non-TT)
January 31 - Crafting the promotion file for Non-Tenure Track Teaching Professors or Librarians for Assistant and Associate Teaching Professors, Non-TT Librarian III-I
February 14 - The first Non-TT comprehensive application: recontracting for years 3-5 for Non-TT Teaching Professors and Non-TT Librarians in their 2nd year of service
March 7 - Q&A- Last minute questions for candidates applying for NTT recontracting for Teaching Professors and NTT Librarians in all recontracting cycles
March 28 - How to select external reviewers and craft the file to send to reviewers for Tenure-track faculty (year 6th of service) and Associate Profs (10th year of service or more)
Packet Preparation and Design -- Overall
T&R Packet Preparation and Design slides (11/20/24)
Note: You must sign in with your Rowan credentials to view the slides.
Tenure & Recontracting Session for Candidates in 1st Year of Service
Tenure & Recontracting Session for Candidates in 1st Year of Service Slides
(applying for 2nd year recontracting) (1/26/24)
Video recording
Note: You must sign in with your Rowan credentials to view the slides.
3rd/4th Year Packet Preparation and Design
On November 22, 2024, Cristina Iftode, Chair of the Senate Tenure, Recontracting, and Promotion Committee, presented this information session for tenure-track candidates in their 2nd or 3rd year of service (applying for 3rd and/or 4th year recontracting).
The first TT comprehensive application: 3rd and 4th year recontracting for TT Faculty and TT Librarians in their 2nd year of service (recording) (presentation slides) (11/21/24)
3rd/4th Year T&R Packet Preparation and Design slides (11/20/24)
Note: You must sign in with your Rowan credentials to view the slides.
Tenure & Recontracting Session for Faculty Candidates Applying for Tenure
Preparing for a Successful External Review Process Slides (4/5/24)
Note: You must sign in with your Rowan credentials to view the slides.
Guidance for working with PDFs
Format your folder as indexed and searchable PDFs
A huge THANK YOU to Alison Novak, from PR & Advertising, who recorded the videos, and Rachel Shapiro, from Writing Arts, who put together the clickable checklist guide.
Turn a PDF document into a Word (or Similar) Document so you can Edit the Text
Combining student evaluations for T&R supplemental packet
Resources for Department TR&P Committees
Tenure & Recontracting Session for Committee Chairs & Members (10/18/2024)
Building upon her years of experience as a member and Chair of the Senate TR&P Committee, Dr. Cristina Iftode provided Department & College TR&P Committee chairs and members with things to think about, do, and avoid while supporting candidates through the TR&P processes.
External Resources
Promoting Equity: Transforming the Tenure Review Process
This paper, written by the Academics for Black Survival and Wellness (A4BL) Anti-racist Tenure Letter Working Group, makes a case for anti-racist tenure and promotion letters and provides guidance for engaging in writing them.