Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
The Faculty Center and other entities provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. These consist of certificate programs, conferences, Professional Learning Communities, summer book club, workshops and trainings.
Certificate Programs
Enhancing and Supporting Teaching
Magna OnDemand
Magna OnDemand is a program where you can watch videos on your own time and earn a professional development certificate from the Faculty Center.
Using Canvas to Support Face-to-Face Instruction
Faculty Online Teaching Courses
Note: This program is currently not being offered. If you have questions about teaching online, please contact our Educational Technologist, Carla Sbrana (
The program offers in two 4-week sessions: Online Teaching Basics Part 1 (OTB1) and Online Teaching Basics Part 2 (OTB2).
Plus a 5-week Advanced Online Teaching Techniques (AOTT) wfor those who have completed OTB 1 & 2 or are experienced online instructors.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Self-Paced Courses
Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for Faculty and its resources are designed to meet you at your level and your speed. Each module is designed to guide you through the features of Canvas and assist you in preparing your course for the fall semester.
This course features Canvas videos and documentation organized in a way that will be beneficial to instructors creating a course. The instructor can choose which features to implement in their course.
Faculty Handbook on Academic Integrity
Faculty Handbook on Academic Integrity is a collection of Rowan Policies, procedures, definitions, proactive strategies, class activities, etc. to assist you with improving the academic integrity of your courses.
IDEA SRI Course Evaluation Training
These reports can be included in faculty re-contracting packets, and the data included in the reports can be used by administrators and committees to evaluate the faculty.
This training consists of short videos, resource guides and other materials to get you familiar with the system and the data.
Rowan Teaching Connection's (RTC) Conferences
Rowan Teaching Connection (RTC) holds free bi-annual conferences each year in October/November and April.
Temple's Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching Excellence
Temple's Annual Faculty Conference on Teaching Excellence.
Temple University Conference, January 8 & 9, 2025
Workshops, Training and Memberships
Rowan Library Workshops
NCFDD Membership
Rowan is an institutional member of the NCFDD.
Activating your NCFDD account is an easy, straightforward process. Simply click on the "Activate My Account" button, enter your institutional email, and follow the instructions.
Summer Book Club
Summer Book Club
Updated 2/26/25