Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity At Rowan: Your Education, Your Future

Academic integrity means that your learning is genuine and that you have built strong skills, knowledge, and accountability so that you are prepared for later coursework and your future profession.



 Faculty InformationStudent Information

Academic Integrity starts with each student on Rowan’s campus.  We know that each of you have worked hard to get to where you are today and take pride in the time and effort you put into your studies.  As such, demonstrating Academic Integrity means that you embody values such as “honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage” (International Center for Academic Integrity, 2021).  This website is designed to provide you with resources and answers to frequently asked questions to help address situations you may encounter related to academic integrity with your studies.

We recognize that students may be faced with higher levels of stress and difficulties that can make it tempting to take actions that could lead to academic integrity violations.  These actions can include: working with other students on assignments that are supposed to be completed individually, copying and pasting material from the internet, borrowing a friend’s assignment with the intent to use it as a guide but copying it due to time constraints. You are probably aware that working on an exam with a classmate without permission is a violation, but did you know that posting course materials to websites (Chegg, Course Hero, StuDocu, etc.) can also be a violation (and can even be copyright infringement)?

Student Resources

If you find yourself struggling with coursework or running out of time to study and prepare for an upcoming exam, we encourage you to seek help from your instructors first.  They are there to help assist you and provide you with the best learning experience possible.  They will also be able to point you to resources that can help specifically with the course content.


Additional university resources that may be helpful when you encounter these situations include:

Academic Support

Mental Health and Wellness Issues

Financial Difficulties

Other Support