Rowan University Writing Project

  • writing project team photo

Rowan University Writing Project

Rowan University Writing Project

RUWP Yellow


 Summer Institute 2025


The mission of the Rowan University Writing Project (RUWP) is to foster the growth and development of teachers as writers and leaders in their field. We provide opportunities for teachers to deepen and expand their writerly repertoire in order to better guide their students in becoming proficient writers in their community, as well as in their personal, academic, and professional lives.

The RUWP is led by faculty in the Writing Arts department, the department of Critical Literacy, Technology, and Multilingual Education, and our community leaders.


Summer Institute

During the Summer Institute, we invite teachers and leaders to write together, hone their teaching craft, and create curricula to work towards more effective and equitable writing pedagogy that fosters the growth of confident and creative critical thinkers in our classrooms. 


Praise for the RUWP Summer Institute!

Here is what our teacher leaders are saying about their experience…

  • "RUWP has transformed my approach to how I support writers and writing instruction, for the success of building students to be lifelong learners and advocates."
  • "The summer institute really opened my mind and made me think in a new perspective."
  • "We need to work with other teachers and continually reflect upon and renew our craft for the best interests of our students. Each day was well worth the time spent here."

How can your district fund this professional development?

  • Title 1A - Job embedded professional development where NWP Teacher Leaders will be working directly with staff and students
  • Title 2A - Teacher participation in professional development training sessions that will take place during annual summer institute and quarterly meetings
  • ARP ESSER Funds - School Districts can utilize their learning acceleration and teacher support funds to participate in the National Writing Project.
  • Outside Grants - grants are currently available to support districts who want to participate. The National Endowment for the Humanities is currently offering $50,000 grants for humanities organizations that have been impacted by COVID.


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