Website Header Updates Coming June 5, 2024

Based on feedback and planning with various areas of university leadership, we will be making additional updates as a follow-up to the first round of changes released on March 5, 2024. These updates to the university website header will be released on June 5, 2024.

Top Menu (Gold Bar)

Rowan Today --> News
Changing the link title in the top menu from "Rowan Today" to "News" to make space for additional links and increase awareness for visitors.

Jobs Link
Adding a link for "Jobs" in the top menu. This will support HR recruitment efforts by creating easy access for potential job seekers looking for employment at Rowan.

Search Bar

Search People Link
Adding the option to "Search People" in the search bar to promote quick access to the University Directory.

GO button
Adding a "GO" button to the search bar input for clarity — users will be able to click "GO" or press enter to submit their query.

Desktop Preview

desktop screenshot

Mobile Preview

mobile screenshot