
Membership Types
Employees must present a Rowan I.D. card prior to obtaining a membership. Rowan identification cards are available at the Student Center Information Desk. Payroll Deduction is available for all full time employees of the University and their families. Deductions can be made for all periods except summer. Forms are available at the front desk.

Member Amenities
We offer free equipment checkout for students and members. A few items require a small fee. Equipment to be used by guests must be checked out by the sponsoring member. Users are responsible for the equipment they check out. An individual who fails to return checked out equipment or who returns damaged equipment must pay to replace the lost, stolen or damaged equipment. A variety of equipment for use in all areas of the facility is available for checkout. Participants are allowed to bring in sporting equipment for personal use. Equipment that might be considered dangerous or beyond the realm of "normal" sporting equipment will not be permitted. Small items such as skateboards and rollerblades may be brought into the facility but must be stored in lockers. Bikes are not allowed in the Rec Center. ONLY portable personal music players or radios with private headphones are allowed in the facility.