Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)
Rowan Online provides access to the Canvas learning management system (LMS), which gives faculty centralized access to online materials for their classes. Canvas includes courses that are offered on-the-ground, as well as online and hybrid. Materials for these courses may include syllabi, video lecture recordings, online discussions and collaborations, readings, quizzes, and more.
Get Started in Canvas
On-the-Ground faculty can get started with Canvas by electing their course shells once the ability to do so has been announced, approximately 30 days before the course start date. Online and Hybrid course shells are managed by Rowan Online Instructional Designers and are not available for faculty creation.
To create a course shell in Canvas for Glassboro On-the-Ground courses:
- Go to the Rowan Online Portal
- Click Log In in the top navigation menu
- Click My Courses from the yellow menu bar
- Scroll down and select the applicable term from the drop-down menu
- Click on the Create Canvas shell button next to your course(s)
For each course where you select “Create Shell,” you will be prompted to choose between copying content from an existing course or creating a new, blank shell.
When users elect to create their course shell, they are also enrolled in a self-paced training course in Canvas.This training course houses all the information you need to build your course with the standard Rowan template. The self-paced training course guides you through Canvas and its tools. Access to this course is also available for instructors who are not teaching in the current semester.
Enroll NowRowan-Virtua SOM
Please take the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for Rowan Virtua - SOM before you begin adding materials to your courses.
Enroll NowCMSRU
Your Education Coordinator will develop the standard Canvas course; however, it is extremely important for you to understand how to navigate through the course and course materials. To learn more about Canvas, visit the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for CMSRU.
Enroll Now
Access Your Canvas Account
Faculty automatically receive access to Canvas once their Rowan NetIDs have been provisioned. Courses are made available through the Rowan Online Canvas LMS.

For technical support, please submit a ticket. For immediate support, please contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400 or
Faculty FAQs
How do I create a course shell in Canvas?
To create a course shell in Canvas:
- Go to the Rowan Online Portal
- Click Log In in the top navigation menu
- Click My Courses from the yellow menu bar
- Scroll down and select the applicable term from the drop-down menu
- Click on the Create Canvas shell button next to your course(s)
For each course where you select “Create Shell,” you will be prompted to choose between copying content from an existing course or creating a new, blank shell.
Rowan-Virtua SOM or Rowan GSBS
Please take the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for Rowan Medical Schools before you begin adding materials to your courses.
Your Education Coordinator will develop the standard Canvas course; however, it is extremely important for you to understand how to navigate through the course and course materials. To learn more about Canvas, visit the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for CMSRU.
How do I combine multiple sections in Canvas?
Cross-listing is a self-elective system available in the Rowan Online portal that allows faculty to combine course sections into a single Canvas shell. For instructions, see our article on cross-listing sections in Canvas.
Please note the following functions and limitations for the cross-listing tool:
- Courses that are already published in Canvas cannot be cross-listed.
- You can only cross-list courses that you are the official instructor of record for in Banner and Section Tally.
- You can cross-list multiple courses, but they all need to be cross-listed at the same time.
- Courses that are already cross-listed to one course cannot be cross-listed to another course.
- You can only cross-list one set of courses at a time. You must repeat this process for each set of courses you would like to cross-list.
- Cross-list requests will be processed by Rowan Online within 5 business days of submission.
- All cross-lists are final! Once your request has been approved, cross-listing courses cannot be undone. Please review your request before submitting it.
When will my course(s) be published/made available to students to view?
Canvas courses are automatically published five days prior to the start date for Glassboro courses. Once a course is published it will be visible and accessible to students from the Canvas Dashboard.
An unpublished course provides faculty the ability to build their course(s) with privacy. A course cannot be published earlier than five days before the start date.
Rowan-Virtua SOM or Rowan GSBS
RowanSOM/GSBS students will have access to their courses 14 days before the course starts. Courses cannot be published earlier than 14 days before the start of the course.
The course shell will be available 5 days before the course opens, and students will start seeing content the Friday before the course starts. If you have any issues, please contact your Education Coordinator.How do I import content into Canvas?
The functionality to import external content is not enabled on the Rowan instance of Canvas.
To migrate content into Canvas, you must download and save the materials you want to include in your Canvas course to a local drive or a Rowan University Google Drive account. You can then build out your course shell with this content.
What is Canvas Commons?
Canvas Commons is a system that allows instructors to share content across their courses.
Canvas Commons is currently only available to Glassboro faculty.
For more information and understanding of how Commons can be used, please carefully review the Canvas Commons Guide and Policy.
How do I add a student or another instructor to my Canvas course?
If you are the instructor on record and wish to add another instructor or teaching assistant to your course, you may do so through the instructional assistant application in Self-Service Banner.
When will Zoom be available in Canvas?
Zoom is available to Glassboro instructors for use with courses in Canvas. Please visit to get started with Zoom.
Rowan-Virtua SOM or Rowan GSBS
Webex is the approved video conferencing platform for RowanSOM/GSBS courses in Canvas. Please visit to get started with Webex
Your Education Coordinator will make videoconferencing available for your course.Who can help me with building my course?
If you are developing an online-only/hybrid course, please reach out to your instructional designer for help.
Otherwise, support to build your Canvas course shell can be found in the self-paced Canvas training course.
Rowan-Virtua SOM or Rowan GSBS
RowanSOM/GSBS utilizes Canvas courses to support instruction. To get started with Canvas, take the self-paced training course for RowanSOM/GSBS.
Your Education Coordinator (EC) will develop the structure of the Canvas course and upload materials; however, it is extremely important for you to understand how to navigate through the course and course materials. To learn more about Canvas, take the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for CMSRU.
I'm interested in LTI tools and 3rd party integrations. Where can I get more information?
Are there training resources available?
Glassboro Faculty
Glassboro faculty gain access to the self-paced training course in Canvas after you create a course shell in Canvas for the upcoming semester. The course will be available in your Canvas Dashboard.
If you are not teaching a course in the upcoming semester or you have not yet been assigned to teach a course, you may still enroll in the self-paced training course. Please note that enrollment in the self-paced training course will not provide you with access to develop course materials in Canvas. To enroll in the self-paced training course, please visit our enrollment form.
Enroll NowRowan-Virtua SOM or Rowan GSBS Faculty
Take the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for Rowan Medical Schools in Canvas.
Enroll NowCMSRU Faculty
Take the Self-Paced Canvas Training Course for CMSRU.
Enroll Now