Faculty Home
Faculty Home
Rowan Online offers you all the tools you need to reach and teach your students.
Faculty may use our robust Rowan online portal (online.rowan.edu/portal) to access up-to-date and personalized course information, export a course to Canvas, request to cross-list courses, and manage online development progress and contracts.
We offer a complete and vibrant online course experience by harnessing the Canvas Learning Management System partnered with the Kaltura Education Video Platform.

Getting Started with Courses
First time creating a course? Or just don't know where to get started? We provide instructions on first steps and frequently asked questions around Canvas LMS.

Teaching and Developing Online and Hybrid Courses
Resources for teaching and developing Online & Hybrid courses.

Links to online request forms and other resources/documentation.

Policies that inform all information in this web site. All faculty are required to read and understand all relevant policies

Support & Technology
Access to technical support, technical requirements, and self-help guides related to Canvas, Online Courses, Cascade, and other online technologies.