Ansilene Ozberkmen

It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of Ansilene Fraughton Ozberkmen, mother of Deniz Dennery in the Office of Career Advancement, on December 29, 2023.

Ansilene was a compassionate and dedicated woman whose life was marked by a profound commitment to family and a career in nursing. A proud member of Capital Speakers Club of Washington, D.C., Chapter III, Ansilene embraced opportunities for public speaking, personal and intellectual growth.

Ansilene established a unique program to teach the History of Turkey to McLean High School students. As Co-Founder of the Washington D.C. Collective, University of Utah College of Nursing Alumni Association, she was a stalwart support for nursing students to understand the importance of engagement in health and medical legislative affairs on Capitol Hill, regularly accompanying nursing students from the University of Utah to meet legislators and attend hearings.

Please join us in sending our condolences and deepest sympathies.

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