Celebrating and Amplifying Beatrice Carey Carter and Black Visual Arts

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Image Alternative Text: Depicted is a photograph from Beatrice Carey Carter's visual arts series, "Examining Black Femininity."


This article was written by Charles A. Barnes II, JD for the Rowan University Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) (barnesc3@rowan.edu). Barnes is a Ph.D. Candidate at the College of Education (COE) and serves as a Graduate Fellow for the Division of DEI.


Beatrice Carey Carter is a luminary in visual arts, crafting inclusivity and empowerment through multifaceted practice. Carter holds a BA in Art with a concentration in Africana Studies from Rowan University and an MFA from Kingston University London. Currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Urban and Diverse Learning Environments at Rowan University, Carey Carter's academic pursuits converge with her artistic endeavors and exploration of equity within visual arts.

Carey Carter is committed to fostering inclusivity, particularly for aspiring Black artists. Her research centers on practice-based methodologies and participatory approaches, uncovering barriers encountered by Black artists, working to enable pathways towards a more inclusive artistic milieu. As an educator, Carey Carter channels her passion into teaching, nurturing student artists with a focus on critical pedagogies and creative expression.

Carey Carter's artistic repertoire spans digital photography, filmmaking, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, and painting, among other mediums. "Examining Black Femininity," depicted below, explores identity, femininity, and society through the lens of Black women, and invites viewers to engage with selfhood and societal constructs. This work is a testament to Carey Carter's ability to transcend traditional artistic boundaries and provoke meaningful dialogue through art.


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In addition to artistic contributions, Carey Carter's scholarly contributions are equally impactful. Recent publications such as "Inquiry through Art: Developing Critical Educational Research with a Deep Commitment to Art Practices" and "Young ED&I Scholar Series: Developing a Criteria for Quality in Arts-Based Research" underscore her dedication to advancing critical discourse. Carey Carter demonstrates an unwavering dedication to amplifying marginalized voices and dismantling barriers, and exemplifies the power of art as a catalyst for social change, leaving an indelible imprint on both canvas and conscience.


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