The Senate Diversity Committee is a standing policy committee of the Rowan University Senate. Dr. Rachel Shapiro has served on the committee since 2016, and this year she is serving as chair, following a beloved line of past chairs including Julie Mallory, Jeanne Lewis, and JT Mills.
The Senate Diversity Committee mission is attend to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice as they pertain to members of the university community. In the past five years, they’ve done this important work through resolutions, hosting panels and guests speakers, events, and awards.
Established in 2014, Rowan’s Excellence in Diversity Awards celebrate outstanding contributions by students, faculty, and professional staff who address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in creative ways.
This year, the Diversity Senate will recognize students in the following areas:
The Diversity Senate will recognize members of the faculty and staff in the following areas:
New this year, the Diversity Senate will honor a student, faculty member, staff member, or group for Excellence in the Study or Practice of Medicine.
Nominations are due February 15th, 2021 and can be submitted to Rachael Shapiro,
Please provide a detailed description of your nominees’ efforts and/or accomplishments for promoting diversity and inclusion, making sure to address the impact of these efforts for the Rowan community and beyond. Self-nominations are also welcome.
Contact Information:
Rachael Shapiro
Writing Arts
Assistant Professor