Q: What is a FOPAL?
A: Fund-Org-Account-Program. Here is an example of how it should be written (10110-45XXX-7XXX-1X)
Q: When do I use a Budget Transfer Form?
A: Use this for when transferring funds from a salary to non-salary account (or vice versa) within the same fund and org
Q: When do I use a Budget Revision Form?
A: To be used for (SPECIAL PROGRAMS ONLY) when allocating revenue received over budget to your expense accounts
Q: Where is my revenue (Self-Service)?
A: When you are using Self Service make sure you click on the box to include revenue.
Q: What is my true balance?
A: Remove your program code to see your true balance. This step includes any entries that should have went into your Fund and Org but have an incorrect program code.