Open Public Records Act

Open Public Records Act

Open Public Records Act

What is the Open Public Records Act (OPRA)?

OPRA is the State statute that replaces the old “Right to Know Law” which governs the public’s access to government records in New Jersey. The law is compiled in the statutes as N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.

Specifically, OPRA is intended to:

  • Expand the public’s right of access to government records
  • Create an administrative appeals process if access is denied
  • Define what records are and are not “government records”
  • Create transparency of public institutions
What is a Government Record?

OPRA specifically defines a government record as: “… any paper, written or printed book, document, drawing, map, plan, photograph, microfilm, data processed or image processed document, information stored or maintained electronically or by sound-recording or in a similar device, or any copy thereof, that has been made, maintained
or kept on file…or that has been received in the course of his or its official business …” N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1.

Generally stated, a “government record” means any record that has been made, maintained, or kept on file in the course of official business, or that has been received in the course of official business.

Exemptions to government records include, but are not limited to:
  • Inter-agency or intra-agency advisory, consultative or deliberative material
  • Criminal investigatory records
  • Victims’ records
  • Trade secrets and proprietary commercial or financial information
  • Information which, if disclosed, would give an advantage to competitors or bidders
  • Information which is to be kept confidential pursuant to court order
  • Computer and building security information
  • Biotechnology trade secrets
  • Personnel and pension records
  • Student Records
  • Any record within the attorney-client privilege

To read a full text version of the Open Public Records act, including all exemptions, please visit the following website: OPRA Information

Who May File an OPRA Request?

Anyone. Although OPRA specifically references “citizens of this State,” (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1) the Attorney General’s Office advises that OPRA does not prohibit access to Rowan records to residents of other states. Please submit all requests to or via fax 856-256-5615. 

File a OPRA Request Form

Has your Request been Denied?

If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled within the seven (7) or fourteen (14) business days required by law, you have a right to challenge the decision by the responding agency to deny access. At your option, you may either: 1) institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey; or 2) file a complaint with the Government Records Council (“GRC”) by completing the Denial of Access Complaint Form.

All questions regarding complaints filed in Superior Court should be directed to the Court Clerk in your County.

Questions regarding the GRC’s Denial of Access Complaint process can directed to the GRC toll-free telephone at 866-850-0511, by mail at PO Box 819, Trenton, NJ, 08625, by e-mail at, or at their web site at

The Council can answer general inquiries about OPRA.