Welcome to Upward Bound

Welcome to Upward Bound

Welcome to Upward Bound

Welcome to Upward Bound for English Language Learners

About Upward Bound

The Upward Bound for ELLs Program provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. The goal of Upward Bound for ELLs is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education with a bachelor’s degree.

The Rowan University Upward Bound for ELLs at Camden is unique in that it specifically serves English Language Learners in the Camden high schools that come from low-income families and are first-generation college bound. Recognizing the need for these students to enhance both their content knowledge and language proficiency, the academic courses offered through Upward Bound for ELLs use content-based instruction approach, which focuses on English language acquisition while providing much needed content knowledge. 


The mission of the Rowan University Upward Bound for English Language Learners (ELLs) is to serve underrepresented, low income, and first generation ELL high school students within the Camden city. Upward Bound for ELLs provides a rigorous academic curriculum that will enable our students to graduate high school, enroll, and compete postsecondary education with a bachelor's degree. It is our duty in the UB program to motivate our students to excel and thrive in their academic journey to success. 


The main goal of the program is to support the advancement of ELL high scchool students into and through higher education to complete thier first bacclauraeate degree. 


For more information please see UB brochure or visit us at https://www.facebook.com/upward.boundell