Web Services

Web Services

Web Services

Web Services is a team within the Rowan Online department that administers, operates, and supports technical operations for the University and related websites. 

Cascade CMS

Cascade CMS is a web content management system that allows you to easily publish your content to the internet without writing any code. Designing, editing, and highlighting your website can be done with a few steps. The web services team maintains documentation for Cascade called the Cascade Editor Guide. This guide provides comprehensive coverage on how to use Cascade, create content, and publish to the web.

Already a Cascade content editor? Click the button to log into Cascade CMS (login credentials use your Rowan NetID)

Cascade Login

Become a Content Editor

If you would like to become a new Cascade content editor, please contact the site's web ambassador for further review and submit a ticket to Web Services Support. Each Cascade site has a web ambassador. Web ambassadors are responsible for maintaining the content integrity of their sites. To see a list of web ambassadors, visit Cascade Ambassadors. If you have any questions or notice an issue with a page's content, please contact the site's web ambassador. 

Want to learn more about content editing in Cascade? 

Learn More

Need Help?

The Web Services team is here to help you with website-related issues and requests. Visit Website Help to submit a ticket. Select the type of assistance that you need, the website URL related to your issue, and a description of the incident. We will respond within 48 hours. For Banner-Related Issues, please contact Rowan Support.

Web Services Support