Student Patrol
Student Patrol
Now accepting applications for the Fall 2025 semester
Student Patrol
The Student Patrol is a distinct unit within the Rowan University Police Department. Its main mission is to bolster and enhance the Department of Public Safety's ability to patrol the campus and maintain a safe environment for fellow students and employees. Additionally, the Student Patrol provides a select group of students with practical experience, learning opportunities, and networking contacts with career practitioners in the criminal justice field.
Students who are Law & Justice majors and are registered for, or eligible to register for, the Internship I or Internship II course are invited to apply to the program. After applying, a thorough interview and background investigation is conducted before undergoing a 35+ hours training regimen. Those who complete the training are issued uniforms and begin active campus patrols under close supervision. They will also assist with on-campus walking escorts.
The Student Patrol Officers work shifts of six hours from 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM and are assigned a fellow student officer as a partner or assistant to a regular Public Safety Officer. No Student Patrol Officer is permitted to work alone. A typical workweek for a Student Patrol Officer may consist of ten to twenty hours, depending upon availability and the students' academic schedules. Students are required to work some weekend shifts. A Student Patrol Officer's term of service lasts one academic semester, i.e., September to December or January to May, and the department employs 16 students each semester. Selected students may return and serve on the unit for a second semester.
In addition to obligations to the Department of Public Safety, Student Patrol Officers must complete academic assignments as part of the Internship I or II courses as issued by their faculty advisor. This is due to the fact that service in the Student Patrol is also an academic experience for the student in that college credits are accumulated from successfully completing the Student Patrol program.