Training at the University is facilitated by the Training & Development team within Human Resources. We are responsible for providing a wide variety of learning solutions for individuals, teams, and leaders across the University community, in a variety of accessible formats.
We also facilitate New Employee Orientation for new University employees. For more information, please contact the Training and Development team via email at Opportunities
New Manager Orientation
The goal of this training series is to:
- Provide guidance to new hire managerial employees and employees promoted into that employee class in regards to the Rowan organizational structure including understanding the responsibilities of specific departments & divisions.
- Connect them with specific Rowan tools, resources, and contact information.
- Facilitate understanding of their role as managers, especially in regards to Rowan policies and procedures.
HR Module:
- Leadership training, New Manager Orientation, Professional Development opportunities, Customized Training options, etc.
- Performance Review Process & Systems: ePAR and Mgr. Rev. System
- Receipt of Employee Grievances (non-Civil Service?), PIP process, Coaching
- Workers’ Comp, Leave Procedures, FMLA, and NJ Sick Leave
- Hiring Process for regular and hourly staff, Page Up 101, Reclassification Basics, & Probationary Reports for Civil Service employees
- Independent Contractors, Electronic Forms, and Student Worker Hiring Practices
- Union Contracts/Labor Relations: Discipline, Grievances, Civil Service rules, etc.
IRT Module:
Training Content:
- IRT Policies
- Network Accounts
- Data Types
- Security Best Practices
- Onboarding Employees
- Getting Project Help From IRT
- Support Services
NJ EAS Training
What is the Employee Advisory Service?
Employee Advisory Service (EAS) is a program designed to help employees and their dependents with personal, family or work related issues that may adversely impact their work performance. EAS provides confidential assessment, counseling and referral services and helps to restore the health and productivity of employees and the workplace as a whole. Problems are addressed in the quickest, least restrictive and most convenient manner while maximizing confidentiality and quality. For further information, click here:
New Employee Orientation
Click here to learn more about New Employee Orientation offered at Rowan University.
Manager's Toolkit
Click here to learn more about resources available to managers.
Leadership Development Institute
Click here to learn more about the LDI program offered to managerial employees at Rowan University.
LinkedIn Learning
Click here to learn more about the LinkedIn Learning service available to Rowan University faculty, staff, and students.
Guidance for Remote Work
Click here for more information on successful remote work at Rowan University.
Rowan Training Portal
Through the Rowan Training Portal, you can gain access to training from Compliance, Human Resources, and Information Resources & Technology. The Rowan Training Portal is powered by HealthStream, a web-based learning management solution designed to help organizations of all sizes create, manage, and conduct regulatory and required training for staff members.
Log in to Rowan Training Portal
HealthStream works best in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. If possible, use one of those browsers instead of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, or others you may be accustomed to using.
How to Use the Rowan Training Portal:
- If prompted, select the appropriate affiliation for training.
- Select the To Do tab to see training that has either been assigned to you or in which you self-enrolled and is not yet completed.
- Select the Completed tab to review completed training and download certificates.
- Select the Catalog tab to search and enroll in new training.
- Managers of a team will see a My Team tab to review and recommend training for your employees.
- Select the Help tab for information on using all the portal’s features.
Available HR Professional Development Courses through the Rowan Training Portal:
- Communication Skills in the Workplace
- Conflict Management Strategies
- Enhancing Workplace Professionalism
- ePAR Overview Training
- Kurt Lewin's Change Management Model
- Leading with Emotional Intelligence
- Supervisory Skills
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